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In The Midst of Flare-Up Fun Times

Heidi colitis flareBio:

Hi there fellow UC’rs and hi Adam. My name is Heidi and I was diagnosed with UC about 8 months ago. I am currently in the midst of a horrible, gut-wrenching flare that I can’t seem to get a handle on, despite my best efforts. I just spent all yesterday in the hospital hooked up to an IV to combat dehydration and then handed a prescription for prednisone. I am taking asacol and a goood probiotic daily and have been super strict on what I am eating: no coffee, no chocolate, no alcohol, no wheat, no dairy. I’m pretty much down to eggs, a little fruit, veggies and chicken but if anything my flare seems to be getting worse by the day. I am going on two months now of pain and agony and all I can say is that it is a war-zone “down there.” I have tons of bleeding and am going to the bathroom 15-20 times a day. Thanks for listening. I really want to be positive, but yesterday for the first time I just broke down and sobbed as I am so exhausted and worn out. Not sure what to do…

Colitis Symptoms:

Aching back, cramping, diarrhea, bleeding, and severe exhaustion.

My Colitis Story:

I am currently in the midst of a horrible, gut-wrenching flare that I can’t seem to get a handle on, despite my best efforts. I just spent all yesterday in the hospital hooked up to an IV to combat dehydration and then handed a prescription for prednisone. I am taking asacol and a goood probiotic daily and have been super strict on what I am eating: no coffee, no chocolate, no alcohol, no wheat, no dairy. I’m pretty much down to eggs, a little fruit, veggies and chicken but if anything my flare seems to be getting worse by the day. I am going on two months now of pain and agony and all I can say is that it is a war-zone “down there.” I have tons of bleeding and am going to the bathroom 15-20 times a day. UC has really drastically altered my life. I have two active toddlers, and it is so difficult to function, much less be the super-fun and cool mom that I want to be to them when my life for the past few months has been dictated by running to the nearest bathroom or lying exhausted and crampy on my couch in my bathrobe. I do not care for my GI doctor as she has a horrible bedside manner and is very closed-minded. When she diagnosed me she told me little about the disease but said in no uncertain terms that diet had absolutely no effect on it (which I don’t buy), handed me a prescription for Asacol and said that I would have to take it every day for the rest of my life, or have surgery, which she claimed would be very risky. I was given no other options or hope. I think I am going to try to find another doc. I guess I am terrified of not being able to get a handle on this. I am scared it will always be this bad. I am used to just attacking and powering through any obstacles or challenges I encounter in life, but mama cita! This one has brought me to my knees in humility! Thanks for listening. I really want to be positive, but yesterday for the first time I just broke down and sobbed as I am so exhausted and worn out. Not sure what to do…

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

Completely symptom and medication free!

Colitis Medications:

On Asacol 2400 mg. Doesn’t seem to be doing much. Scared to go on the Prednisone.

written by Heidi

submitted in the colitis venting area

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