Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

I Want My Son Back

mom of colitis patientMeet Jamie:

Hi I’m the mother of a 24 year old son with UC.  He was diagnosed at age 17 but has had stomach issues from birth. Milk allergies, constipation , diarrhea, stomach aches and colic for about 4 months. My son is a wonderful young man, father of a 4 year old. I HATE U.C.!! I see my son in pain all the time but he keeps pushing through. Right now we are sharing a hospital room he is in severe pain trying to be tough but now I know when he has pain the more he hurts the quieter he gets and the faster he shakes his leg. My heart is in my throat I can’t cry it upsets him. I am so angry why him?

My Son’s Colitis Story:

November 12,2012 my son had emergency surgery for severe ulcerative colitis that would not even respond to 60mg prednisone oral or IV. Sleeping 20 hrs a day, losing weight , and not eating. His doctor admitted him in the hospital and he had a 5 hour surgery to remove his colon and rectum. The doctor made a W pouch and a loop ileostomy. Doctor said he had a perforated bowel and it wouldn’t of lasted another week.

He came back from surgery in extreme pain, no mother wants to see her child like this.  Severe pain but was released to go home after 3 days only to return 12 hrs later vomiting and pain off the charts. After a day of tests we hear there is a small bowel obstruction. They took the drain out of his nose that was draining his stomach and he gets clear fluids.  Still a lot of pain, depression, exhaustion and nausea.  My heart is broken for him I can’t leave him here.  I’m scared.

I feel guilty, why him? My grandson is crying for his daddy but we don’t want him to see his daddy this way. Please God heal my son. I hope there are folks who read this will tell me that everything is going to be ok and this is normal. I want my son back, my grandson wants his daddy back, his 6 siblings want there brother back!

the hospital bed

written by Jamie

submitted in the family/friends of UC’ers section of the site

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