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Dealing with the Diagnosis and UC


I love all things outdoors and artsy. I enjoy staying up late, and drinking loose leaf tea, watching shows with my boyfriend and mekingt wurdz nu sens.

Some more about me:

I like drawing and anything crafty really.


Chronic diarrhea, cramping, acid reflex, joint pain.

Dealing with the Diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis

My name is Rachel and I am 18. I was diagnosed with UC in November 2012. But it began in April.

I thought I had a diarrhea bug of some sort, but then it got worse. One night I was in horrible pain, I was passing out for thirty minutes at a time and then waking up to go to the bathroom. Finally when I saw blood, after six hours of miserable pain I woke my mom up. My mom took me the the hospital and they gave me an x-ray, my colon was inflamed. It took the doctors a long time to figure out what it was. Finally, they discovered it was copalar bactor which is a bacterial infection of the colon…BUT they said it could be triggered by UC. After I got out of the hospital I was fine and resumed my normal life until about five months ago. It was then that I was officially diagnosed. Ever since I’ve been on all kind of medications.

My mom has been super supportive, she’s the one that told me about the SCD diet and I went on it for a month ( while still taking my medication). I also quit smoking, but I still felt bad everyday. Well I’ll confess I went off my diet and started smoking again- but I stopped taking my medicine and I could immediately tell a difference. I was on asacol, omeprazole and dicyclomine and none of it seemed to work. I’ve been off my meds for a few weeks now and I don’t feel as sick, but now the problem is I know I need to get back on the SCD diet and quit smoking again. I think that if I start eating food my body can handle again and stop smoking without taking the medication this time after awhile it would probably make me symptom free. I’m just having trouble getting back on the wagon…especially when my boyfriend wants to take me out to eat all the time. It’s so hard. It’s easy to pretend like nothing’s wrong and just do whatever I want, but I know It’s hurting my guts. Have you ever gone off your diet? How did you get back on it?


None of my medications have really worked for me, but omeprazole did help my acid.

written by Rachelra

submitted in the colitis venting area

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