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How do You Deal with this Chronic Disease Mentally?

Zoe near the ocean

Zoe near the ocean


I like being outdoor, freedom, and I’m from Canada. Lately I’ve started to go to gym/exercise regularly, doing some yoga and walking outdoor.

I’ve been reading this site for a while now. I’ve been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis for 2 years now. Currently on imuran and salofalk enema every night. Overall, I would say my symptoms are under control. However, I do notice every once a while ( maybe every 1 weeks or less) I have urgency to pass large amount of purulent ( light pinkish) drainage with trace of blood per rectum with foul smell. Does anyone have similar experience ? I think this is form of mucus, and possible a sign of inflammation at the rectum area ? any thoughts or suggestions ?

My Story:

Anyone how they cope and worked with their disease ?
My main concern is everyday is so different so predictable.
I am currently not working due to this disease is not under control.

I know all the reasons to become positive and not to think about the down side, but it’s my own body, my own health. I didn’t realize I could have a chronic disease until this hits me so hard and almost broken me apart.

I am currently eating mostly digestive foods ( always cooked, and make lots of purred soup ( with carrots, yam, green vega, etc), but i don’t know when my body may have another uncontrollable discharge or when i may fail my current medication treatment plan. I really don’t want to try the IV infusion option or think about remove the large bowel is horrible too

Maybe you can share how do you deal with this chronic disease mentally ? Besides talking to close friends or family, what have worked for you to mentally relieve yourself ? Try to get used to the new “version ” of self, accepting this disease and be yourself again.

Last, regards the diet, has anyone been on diet control only, without any meds, how long is your success rate under remission ?

From what my GI doc suggests, once you are off from med, you increase the chance of having flare up. Although I understand i probably will take med for the next few years depends on my condition, i would like to hear how others cope or their bodies responses with/without meds.

Last, I hope my message will be posted on web, so I could get some feedback and encouragement from the crew.

Many thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.

written by Zoe K

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