Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Countries with the Best Health Care for UCers

Meet Youness:

30 year old Moroccan guy, been diagnosed for over two years now .. on remission for the last two months thanks to a very unconventional thing.

Some more about me:

I lived in the US for 6 years before coming back to my home country


on remission .. but used to have all the symptoms cocktail

Health Care for Ulcerative Colitis

Hello again , I already posted about how I think Alcohol helped me get into remission , a remission that I have OH SO enjoyed for the last 02 months , finally got back to all the things I used to love ..

What I really want to ask my fellow UCers is how did your condition fare in your respective countries’ health care system .. obviously the meds and treatments are not cheap .. so I am very curious as to which countries have the best health care system ..

I for one , am so happy I left the USA before I got diagnosed .. I can only imagine being there , probably losing my job because of the condition ( as it happened to many of us) and then finding yourself in a situation where you are unemployed and have no health insurance to pay for the meds and doctors bills ..

Now I live in a third world country ( Morocco) , my health insurance covers 90% of the bills , and even unemployed I am covered for at least 60% .. we don’t get the best state of the art treatments obviously , but not like it matters in our condition ..

We all know and have realized that stress is of the utmost importance in getting Ulcerative Colitis and falling into flares all over again .. it is a very vicious cycle , being sick , being unable to perform in our jobs as we did before with the lack of energy and motivation , losing a job , having no money to sustain ones self , finding it hard to afford meds etc .. I assume anyone who is in that situation is basically in some kind of quick sand of nightmarish proportions .. no way out !

This Forum , thanks to Adam , I see attracts people from all over the world , and I am very interested to know which countries have the best health care system related to our specific illness ?

Colitis medications I’m using:

pentasa 1g/day ,
Aloe Vera gel ( althought I ran out)

written by Youness

submitted in the colitis venting area

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