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Any Suggestions to Kick My Butt in the Butt?


As a 30 year UC veteran…mercaptopurine, prednisone, apriso. Was hospitalized 6 months ago. 1st time in 29 years. I was on IV of prednisone for 4 days. The rest in the hospital did me wonders!

Colitis Symptoms:

Gassy…can feel it moving along.

My Colitis Story:

HELP!! As a 30 year veteran…I can tell when stuff happens before it does! Past 2 days I could feel the old gut churning up a storm. Tonight is the first time in 5 months I have had that venture to the porcelain throne that was a wasted trip of gas and a blob of white mucus!!! ARRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!! Anyone have ideas? They cut my prednisone back to 10 mg/day…mistake #1…and my mercaptopurine is down to 75 mg a day. I used to take 100 mg. The Apriso…which I do not believe works….I have been taking 2 a day for about a month. I think Apriso tires me out…anyone else?

Gee….I need more words??? I only have 135 now?? No one ever tells me talk more!! This is no fun when you are doing so well and all of a sudden your gut takes you down. Okay…only 132 words to go. I really hate to complain…I just thought maybe someone has a heads up to help me. I drink plenty of water. Take a daily fiber pill of pectin and such. Just saw I ran out…need to go online and order more. Please don’t make this a full blown flare!!! If you know how I can keep it from going full blast flare, let me know. Am I rambling? Sorry…I have about 50 more words to go before this will post for me!! YIKES!! What can I say? I sure hope if you are reading this you are symptom free right now. I wish everyone could be symptom free! Is this weather related? We had major weather from the hurricane the past few days. That could be it.?

Anyways…I do not like to know that I have a gut down is meant to be not seen nor heard!

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

Where I was a month ago!

Colitis Medications:

Mercaptopurine is a wonder drug for me…if they let me keep it up. When it is cut back because of liver levels..that causes issues! Apriso…I don’t think is good. Prednisone made me fatter!!! Did not do that when I was younger. In past 3 or 4 years I have gained 20+ lbs.

written by Rosanne

submitted in the colitis venting area

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