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Advice on Joining Sports Clubs …. Plus, is JUST BLOOD Normal for a UCer?


35, married, 3 children, diagnosed with UC May 2013 so still trying to get my head around everything. Would like to get back to work as a teacher, after having a career break being a full-time mum.

Some more about me:

I really enjoy team sports, especially hockey. I’m missing doing team sports a lot and would be interested to see how other people cope with their symptoms whilst maintaining an active lifestyle.
I’m from Somerset, England originally, but have lived all over the UK, including North Scotland and now living on the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales. Moving to new areas doesn’t help in confiding to people about this illness!

Symptoms right now:

The amount of times I have to go to the loo have reduced dramatically, and I would say I’m “normal” at the moment, especially in the urgency of needing to go. So I’m really glad that bit is under control at the moment as that really messes up everyday living. However, i still have a fair amount of blood every day.

My Story:

There are 2 questions I would like to ask:

  1. As a newbie to UC, is it “normal” to have blood daily? I’m not sure if I’m meant to be going back to the dr, consultant or nurse if the urgency and diarrhoea has stopped, but the bleeding is still there. I’m a lot happier in myself because I can get on with life, but surely bleeding is not right?
  2. How have other people coped with joining sports clubs, knowing that you may need to dash off the pitch to the loo, or even worse, having a slight accident if you pass wind etc?! I’m fairly new to the area so I don’t know the members of the clubs well, so don’t feel like I can be that open and honest. (As an aside, I feel that keeping active will help my illness, especially in the joint pain I get sometimes, plus how exercise can help stimulate your bowel.)

Ulcerative Colitis has changed my life a lot in some ways. On quite a few occasions, my children have been late for school as I can’t get off the loo. My youngest who is not yet in school has spent a fair amount of time bringing toys and books into the bathroom while I’ve been confined to the loo. Not exactly fair on the children. I’ve been grumpy and upset while I try to deal with these things. My husband has been very supportive, although not fully understanding of the disease, same as me!

We have only recently moved to the area so trying to maintain friendships has at times been hard. I still haven’t told anyone locally, and feel it is time I did confide in some people but don’t know how to broach the subject. Sometimes I have had to cancel playdates / social occasions, because of the symptoms, and I worry that people will think I’m not a very reliable friend. Other times, I have been distant, for example on the school run, because I want to rush back to the safety of home and my toilet! However, I am desperately trying not to let this run my life, which is why some advice about how to confide in people and what to actually say but without mentioning all the gruesome bits, would be extremely useful.


Currently on Octasa (mesalazine) 6 tablets (800mg each tablet) a day. Was on this previously, but apparently can only be on this dose for 8 weeks, so dropped down to 3, and then the diarrhoea and urgency came back. Am Ok at the moment, except that there’s still blood. Was on Laxido sachet every day but then read on the web that it’s not good to rely on them. So have dropped them to as and when I feel “blocked”up. Have changed my diet but am not ready to go on an extreme diet yet. Have been adding flaxseed to Ready Brek each day for the last 2 weeks, and think that has helped. Taking a probiotic yoghurt, but have just bought it in tablet form to see if that’s better.

written by Bonny G

submitted in the colitis venting area

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