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Very Happy, In Remission For The Last 16 Months


Diagnosed with UC in November of 2009 and have been in remission since February 2011. The vegan diet has helped me with UC.

My Story:

I was diagnosed with UC in November of 2009 after being sick with bloody diarrhea for 2 months.  I was put on Lialda, prednisone and mesamaline. When I asked the GI doctor I was seeing at the time about food, he told me diet has nothing to do with UC. I kept suffering and kept seeing the doctor every 3 weeks or so. Sad to say but the doctor was guarantee his pay by asking me to schedule follow up appointments after every 3 weeks or so. I changed my GI doctor in January 2011. The very first visit after examining my reports and history, he asked to get off dairy for 6 weeks to see how I do. The very first week I started to feel better and the trips to the bathroom reduced. The doctor prescribed Lialda, prednisone and Canasa. I have been in remission since February of 2011. I have been off prednisone since July 2011. I have been to the GI doctor probably only once after being off prednisone. I was always a vegetarian and becoming vegan has helped with the UC. I have no complaints as I only have 2 or 3 trips to the bathroom every morning. I also attended Dr. John McDougall’s 5 day program in Santa Rosa, CA in April 2012. Dr. McDougall’s plant based and starch based diet has helped me reduce weight and I feel energetic. I don’t feel fatigue as I used to before I started the McDougall diet. The diet also has no added oil and sugar. “Fix the food, fix the problem” says Dr. McDougall. What I learned through this process that you have to get to know your body well as to what food or activity suits you and follow accordingly. I have been very fortunate that I work in my family business and schedule my work around my health schedule. And I also have a very supportive husband which is huge for me as all my family is back in India.

Where I’d Like to be in 1 Year:

I want to control ther UC symptons with diet and completely be off the prescription drugs.
Colitis medications:
Lialda ansd Canasa

written by Anita

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area