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Update: Stopping Remicade and Starting the SCD Diet

Hello Adam, Congratulations! You are a living proof that if we take care of our bodies with this SCD diet we can be normal again and have our lives back! You always talked about the girl who told you about this diet and how you thank her for that.
I want to say that one day tired and crying I started looking for an answer checking the internet and I saw your colitis video about this diet and your smoothies.

Today I want to thank you because of your video I bought the SCD book and I started the diet in March 2011. Thank you!

Now my update! Stopping Remicade and started the SCD diet in March, 2011. This diet it is very difficult to do, you need to have discipline and a lot of patient, but in few weeks you get used to it. I make my own yogurt, my smoothies, I cooked all the time and I invented new dishes. It is hard but you see results, again If you are patient. Today, June 9 early morning I had my colonoscopy, my doctor wanted to check my colon, he was worry because I stopped the remicade infusion. Anyway, he told me that my colon looked better, the ascending, transverse and descending colon were normal, hurray! and just rectum has the moderately active ulcerative colitis, I have regular stools, but because of the colitis in the rectum I still have little pain and the urgencies to the bathroom. I feel very happy today, I feel optimistic and I have cried because today I found out that I can be normal one day if I take care of myself with this diet, I am pretty sure that I will have my life back a gain and be normal.
I still taking Imuran and Asacol daily.
Good Luck to everyone and I will keep in touch.

Medications: Imuran and Asacol

Submitted by: “Phoenix”

To learn more about this type of ulcerative colitis diet treatment:

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