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My Upcoming Colectomy Surgery

So after many months waiting and trying to get funding and paperwork ready for surgery…. it’s finally come together.  I haven’t been writing much because things have basically been the same – cramps, blood, joint pain, etc. But as of today, May 5, 2010 I am now ready to schedule the J-Pouch surgery and colectomy and ileostomy and be able to document it and detail… Read More »My Upcoming Colectomy Surgery

The Spoon Theory

I recently came across this article written by Christine Miserandino (, called the Spoon Theory.  People always ask me what it’s like being sick with a chronic illness and it’s always been hard to explain. When I came across this article, it was as if I had a small epiphany, and I realized what an ingenious way to explain how everyday waking up and doing… Read More »The Spoon Theory

Welcome to My World

hey everyone. my name is Ash and I have ulcerative colitis – or to be more specific, pancolitis – which means my entire large intestine is diseased. I’ve had every medication and experienced and tried almost everything known for the disease.  here’s my story. I was diagnosed back in February 2006.  some people have symptoms for many years before finally seeking medical attention, but for… Read More »Welcome to My World