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How Smart Is Surgery?

I love traveling, trying out new experiences and foods, and working with people from different countries and cultures. I’m generally a relaxed & easy-going guy with a sense of humor. Current Colitis Symptoms: Symptom free at the moment How Smart Is Surgery? The standard approach of GIs for ulcerative colitis is to treat with medicine & monitor for cancer. Cancer is dealt with if and… Read More »How Smart Is Surgery?

Ulcerative Colitis and The Best Thing That Could Ever Happen to Me

Introduction: I would just like to share a short feedback after my Ileostomy – I am 18 years of age and had UC since the age of 13. My UC was very very bad and did not respond to any medication – I have been on all sorts of medications eg. prednisone, Predsol enimas, Asacol exct you name it, I’ve been on it, even the… Read More »Ulcerative Colitis and The Best Thing That Could Ever Happen to Me

Shouldn’t I Feel Happy After Surgery?

Introduction to Kevin: 35 yr old Male, diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in January 2012. Under control with presdisone and asacol until October 2012. Was in 6 month flare that got progressively worse in April. Had surgery to remove colon May 3rd. Some more about me: Married father of four, love outdoor sports Symptoms: My pre-surgery symptoms were pretty standard, multiple loose BMs x day with… Read More »Shouldn’t I Feel Happy After Surgery?

Cure to UC — J Pouch

Meet Marq Rich: Hello my name is Marq and I’m 27 years old and I suffered from uc for 4 years before i got the surgery. Here’s a lil info to help you guys out. Some more about me: I’m from New York City and I enjoy doing all the sports that uc don’t allow you to do lol Symptoms: I have no symptoms due… Read More »Cure to UC — J Pouch