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crohns disease

5 Year IBD Anniversary

Hello all, my name is Kyle and I am a teacher from a little town in Washington State. It has been quite some time since I put an update out on iHaveUC, and I apologize for that, but I haven’t had a whole lot to report regarding my, formerly UC, now Crohn’s disease. What makes this blog such a special one is I have just… Read More »5 Year IBD Anniversary

A Crohn’s Disease Story

I was hospitalized for three weeks in May of 2006 for a dangerous bowel obstruction due to a flare up of Crohn’s disease. They removed my entire Sigmoid colon, terminal ileum, and secum. I was in Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center for a total of 3 weeks. I began to experience the illness in April of that year, but had been diagnosed… Read More »A Crohn’s Disease Story