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23 Year Old Guy Taking Steroids, Azathiaprene, Topzole, and other meds for Colitis, No Workie Right Now

I am a 23 year old male was diagnosed with UC in September of 2008. My condition has not gone into remission ever since. I have been on ASACOL 1.8g 3 times a day. But it did not help at all. I in December 2009 I was admitted into hospital due to side effects of prednisone that I was taking. I had developed peptic ulcers… Read More »23 Year Old Guy Taking Steroids, Azathiaprene, Topzole, and other meds for Colitis, No Workie Right Now

I Urge Anyone Suffering with UC to Try This Diet

I was diagnosed with UC (pancolitis) last year after 2 years of being symptomatic and progressivly getting worse. I was very unaware about what this disease was and how it could affect your whole life. I am a 25 year old very socially active woman and this disease almost put me in a dehabilited state. I was scared to go out with friends (especially out… Read More »I Urge Anyone Suffering with UC to Try This Diet

Share your Ulcerative Colitis Alternative Medicine Idea and Go to Heaven

Hey Colitis People, I had an interesting office visit today with a Gastroenterologist office in San Mateo California.  I happened to be in the office for something work related and I asked the gastro doctors secretary some questions about the common protocol for their patients with IBD and specifically their colitis patients. She told me that they have had the best success with Asacol or… Read More »Share your Ulcerative Colitis Alternative Medicine Idea and Go to Heaven