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940 Person Survey – All About Drinking Alcohol with Colitis

Thank you to all the Nine Hundred and Forty COLITIS ROCKSTARS who contributed to the Alcohol and Colitis survey! There was participation from 43 countries! (which is always cool to see, I guess us UC folks be a drinking in all sorts of places) Here are the questions from the UC and Alcohol Survey that took place the 3rd week of August 2016 (Pictures are… Read More »940 Person Survey – All About Drinking Alcohol with Colitis

Drinking Alcohol and Ulcerative Colitis

Introduction: I have been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I can’t drink alcohol My Current Colitis Story: When I went to see my gastroenterologist I specifically asked about alcohol consumption. He said alcohol and UC were not linked in anyway. I went through a majorly tough year and divorce and my Ulcerative Colitis went sky rocketing. I also admitted myself to Rehab and quite the drinking… Read More »Drinking Alcohol and Ulcerative Colitis