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Staying CLOSED OFF From Getting HELP

Dear UC’ers, Family, and Friends,

I received a very short email at 9 pm on Sunday night. Please give it a read, and then I have a few questions.

Here is the email:

I don’t personally have UC. My boyfriend has it. They discovered it about a year ago. I think the hardest struggle has been with his mental health. Ihaveuc has helped me to cope with his illness. [highlight]Sadly, he wants to stay closed off from getting help.[/highlight] Thank you for all that you do. You’re certainly helping.


My questions:

  • I’m interested to know how many people who have ulcerative colitis feel the same as Andrea’s boyfriend?  (I have a feeling it might be a surprising figure.)
  • Additionally (and this particular question would be for those who have a friend or family member, boyfriend, girlfriend etc…) I’m interested in what people like Andrea might think is the reason(s) behind someone with UC not wanting to get help or why someone would rather “stay closed off from getting help” as Andrea puts it?  Any thinking behind why that might be?

Thank you Andrea for giving me permission to share your email.

I wish you and your boyfriend a happy 2016, and thank you for being a part of the site.

Best regards,
