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My 16 year old Son has Ulcerative Colitis

Introduction: I’m the worring Mom of a 16 year old son, fairly new to UC and still learning what’s its all about! My son had 2nd Colonoscopy in Feb.2013. Nothing has changed since Aug.2012. Some more details: My son, 16, plays baseball & is accepted to 2 Pennsylvania State Police camps this summer, each 1 week long. My Son’s Colitis Symptoms: My son has bloody… Read More »My 16 year old Son has Ulcerative Colitis

Do Worms Do The Job?

Introduction: Hi I’m a veteran UC sufferer based in Oxfordshire Uk – diagnosed in 1984 aged 18 after an acute attack which resulted in severe weight loss and anaemia. Some more about me: I am from Oxfordshire, Uk, & love amateur dramatics & singing. WorkIng as an After sales Co-ordinator for A Renewables Company. Symptoms: A Slow flare up with bleeding and Some pain v… Read More »Do Worms Do The Job?