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Colitis News and Update for January 2012 – Video

Adam from ihaveucUlcerative Colitis Website Update and News:

Hey UC’ers and followers of the website.  My name’s Adam, and I have UC.  I was diagnosed back in October of 2008, and I run this website.  If you are brand new to this website today:  “Thanks for joining us!  We’re happy to have you here.  This place is all about ulcerative colitis, which you’ve probably already figured out.”

The News:

We recently ran a survey about “Joint Pains and UC”.  Well… was a big success in terms of “voter turnout”.  By that I mean, holly molly, 99 people filled out the survey which is pretty incredible.  I was out of town last weekend and when I came back late Sunday night I was shocked at how many people filled out the questions.  With that said, I want to thank everyone who participated in the survey.  I promise to have the results posted on the site in the near future, but I have ALOT of copy and pasting to do for each person’s response.  But I’m sure everyone will find great value in reading the responses.

Upcoming Stories:

There’s Five new UC stories coming up on this website.   They are stories that were submitted by UC’ers like you in the Colitis Venting Area.

  • Autumn wrote: “Rough Times”
  • Ian (6 Years of UC) “The New Drug”  about a drug in trials right now
  • UC Doctor “Urgency is So Frustrating”  that’s right an actual doctor wrote that story
  • Jesse’s story: “7 Factors I think Lead to UC”
  • Heather who was diagnosed March 2010, she’s a nurse in Las Vegas!!!! “My Skin Problems with UC”


I’d like to take just a quick moment and thank everyone who participates in the iHaveUC site!  I really think its amazing that so many people from around the world have been able to come together here and learn from others who are also living with this disease we all share.

A Picture of Me Last Weekend and a Personal Update:

Adam hunting with colitis

me on the left with my new friend Saba


Because I interact daily with people from all over the world who are often extremely sick with active UC symptoms, I’m always being reminded of how difficult our disease can be.  If you are reading this from the bathroom, or if you are lying down in bed with painful cramping feelings right now, I understand what that’s like.  I remember those days, weeks, months, and even years of living like that too.

But for those who are feeling colitis at its worse, you must keep your head up, the hard times will pass.  Things can and will get better.  I’m living proof of just that.  Just 3 years ago I was in the middle of extremely severe symptoms that never would end.  Back then it was bleeding all day, cramping, and absolute hell.  But I gained control of it, and learned how to live a normal life again.

Last weekend I went on a hunting trip with a friend of mine named Milenko who’s from Croatia.  Joining us was Milenko’s friend Saba who is from Bosnia.  We didn’t get any wild boar, but it was a great weekend, and I’ve now got a friend from a new country.  Getting away from the computer, cell phone and TV for 4 days is a real treat.  I’d encourage others to do the same when the time is right for you.

Talk to you soon,



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