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Remicade is a medication that affects the immune system and is prescribed for Ulcerative Colitis patients who are not responding to other medications. It is administered through an IV usually into your arm.

Happiness is Key

A story from an ulcerative colitis patient from India who has struggled with the disease for 7 years but is now in remission even after multiple doctors said surgery. Read his story to learn about the steps he has taken to get to where he is now with his ulcerative colitis.

Help from UC Patients Who Have Been on Remicade

My daughter was just diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. She is the oldest of 6. Some of my other kids have Gastric issues but we were very surprised with this diagnosis. I’m currently trying to adapt to the lifestyle changes she is going thru. She is 17 years old, and was diagnosed at the end of June this year. Pain, bloody diahrrea, tired, swelling from prednisone.… Read More »Help from UC Patients Who Have Been on Remicade

Faulty Immune System and Too Many Medications

I am in complete remission at this moment :)) – I love sharing projects with friends – arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, enjoy learning new things, being outside, and traveling to different places. I do get anxious about traveling because I often get a flare-up while traveling. Robin’s Story: Sorry Adam, but I am starting my story with my medications because in a way I… Read More »Faulty Immune System and Too Many Medications