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Humira is another immune suppressing drug which is also VERY strong. It is one of the TNF biologic drugs. This is a new drug for Ulcerative Colitis patients, and is used more commonly with arthritis patients. Its taken via a subcutaneous injection, basically a small needle that goes just under the skin.

humira stopped working

Humira-How Do You Know When It Has Stopped Working?

I was diagnosed with UC in 2008 at the age of 39. My favorite hobbies are still going to the gym and skiing when the disease allows for me to do so. I have been on prednisone, lialda, 6 MP, and Humira. I am currently taking 3 lialda per day, Humira shots every 2 weeks and cortifoam enemas as needed. I take a multivitamin, vitamin… Read More »Humira-How Do You Know When It Has Stopped Working?

Humira Drug Information

Some More Details on Humira: I was cleaning out the medicine cabinet today, and besides throwing out some old bottles of prednisone, azathioprine, and hydrocodine, I came across the “Drug Counseling Information” for Humira.  This counseling came with the monthly overnight shipment of Humira from the drug company that was contracted to sell it to me.(I was taking Humira for a few months last year,… Read More »Humira Drug Information

humira rash on legs

Side Effects from Humira

First of all, thank you for coming to this website.  I really enjoy receiving emails and messages from the wide range of people who visit these posts. Back in January of 2009 I was started on Remicade.  This is a drug which you take via an infusion, and it is approved by the FDA for Ulcerative Colitis.  For me, I traveled down to the PAMF… Read More »Side Effects from Humira