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Food and Diet Treatment

Here are some videos and food ideas that work for many people who are suffering from ulcerative colitis.

Eating Right 4 Your Blood Type – John’s Colitis Connection

Below is an email that I recently received from John who uses the site too. I thought it was a great email and he gave me permission to post it for others to read. I think it will be helpful for some of you too. Adam, My name is John. I’ve had UC since 2007 (at work, and it was BAD). I didn’t tell anyone… Read More »Eating Right 4 Your Blood Type – John’s Colitis Connection

Coffee and Ulcerative Colitis – Good or Bad?

Hey What up UC’ers, It has now been over 2 full months since I’ve completely cut out coffee from my diet, and I thought it could be worth while to share how things are going.  First let me explain the reason why I attempted (and succeeded in stopping the coffee altogether, and YES, I’ve had many an urges in the early days with dipping back… Read More »Coffee and Ulcerative Colitis – Good or Bad?

Summer Time SCD Update!

I am loving the fact that I am so close with getting back to a normal feeling again, but I would love to be able to kick these abdomen cramps as there really hinder me on a day to day and can wear on a guy dealing with it day after day.