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Colitis Stories

Below are the complete list of stories that have been submitted by users of the website. They are mostly written by ulcerative colitis patients (UC’ers), but there are also some stories from parents, family, and friends of UC folks too. Some stories are about the initial diagnosis while others are about hard and sometimes happy times that follow after you know for sure you have UC.

BBQ Food For Ulcerative Colitis

The video is down below, you can click on it to watch the actual dinner in video format. I promised to several people a little while ago some more ideas on great meals that helps everyone forget you have UC and that work well with the diet that has kept me off medications (now for several months.)   This is something that only requires a grill/BBQ. … Read More »BBQ Food For Ulcerative Colitis

A Really Good Ulcerative Colitis Breakfast

This is my second favorite, and second most common breakfast. Bacon and eggs, and coffee with honey. Pretty simple and fits the diet well.  I used to eat pancakes with syrup like my wife is doing here, but not anymore as the new diet doesn’t allow for that.  Although if anyone is having great success with no symptoms from colitis right now and is able… Read More »A Really Good Ulcerative Colitis Breakfast

Friendly Appetizers for Ulcerative Colitis

SCD Appetizers and Ulcerative Coltis: Looking at a menu is a different type of event now that I have ulcerative colitis.  One of my most common questions to the doctor was “What should I be eating for my ulcerative Colitis?”  Is that common for everyone?  There definitely was no class in high school about what to eat for UC…? The hope is that by going… Read More »Friendly Appetizers for Ulcerative Colitis

Orange Juice

One of the questions I had right after being diagnosed was about OJ.  Can I drink it or not with Ulcerative Colitis? I always thought that orange juice was not a good thing for me to be drinking for my colitis because it contains so much acid.  Truthfully, I don’t even know how OJ compares on the acid scale to other juices.  So, I decided… Read More »Orange Juice

humira rash on legs

Side Effects from Humira

First of all, thank you for coming to this website.  I really enjoy receiving emails and messages from the wide range of people who visit these posts. Back in January of 2009 I was started on Remicade.  This is a drug which you take via an infusion, and it is approved by the FDA for Ulcerative Colitis.  For me, I traveled down to the PAMF… Read More »Side Effects from Humira