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Colitis Stories

Below are the complete list of stories that have been submitted by users of the website. They are mostly written by ulcerative colitis patients (UC’ers), but there are also some stories from parents, family, and friends of UC folks too. Some stories are about the initial diagnosis while others are about hard and sometimes happy times that follow after you know for sure you have UC.

My Circus

Newly (a few months now, I guess not that new) diagnosed with moderate UC, which began in July 2022 with blood on TP, misdiagnosis for a few months, 5 doctors and finally a colonoscopy. I was told blunty “you have a lifelong disease with no cure and we’re going to start you on IV or self injection treatments. Still stuck on the first part of… Read More »My Circus

Moringa Anyone?

I’ll be 51 in 3 weeks, declared permanently disabled when I was 43 after 20+ years in emergency medicine, grandmother of 5 (2 in heaven 😞) no social life, autoimmune A.N.A. Now A-11. When you no longer “can do” you sometimes get forgotten about. No symptoms of UC currently, last flare was 10/2015, occasionally my IBS acts up but lots of issues with other health… Read More »Moringa Anyone?

Simple and Helpful Message from another UCer

This is the message and hopefully it is helpful to you now or in the future: “ Hello Adam, Just wanted to share some advice that will be obvious to some UC-sufferers but for others, it may be a useful reminder. I have been flaring since last May, (and being treated with Pentasa suppositories and for a while, prednisolone).  I have been very careful with… Read More »Simple and Helpful Message from another UCer