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I’m a few months shy of turning 30. A lot of people usually start to freak out about this time in their life but not me. 28 was a crazy year filled with loss of loved ones, friends and family having babies, my cousin getting married, and a new job description at work. Oh yeah- and being diagnosed with UC a week before my cousin’s wedding in July. 29 was a welcomed change but I’m still looking for more. I’m hoping by the time 30 comes along, I’ll have more of a handle on this new me.

If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, How Will You Know When You’re There?

Introduction: Hi, I’m Stephanie. I’m a few months shy of turning 30. A lot of people usually start to freak out about this time in their life but not me. 28 was a crazy year filled with loss of loved ones, friends and family having babies, my cousin getting married, and a new job description at work. Oh yeah- and being diagnosed with UC a… Read More »If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, How Will You Know When You’re There?