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Joel L

I have ME/CFS, late stage Lyme disease and chronic Bartonellosis. And now, UC as well. As you can tell, I am not that lucky. I was diagnosed with UC yesterday (14 Nov 2013) following a colonoscopy.

It’s Like Hair Mousse, But it Goes Up Your Butt!

I have ME/CFS, late stage Lyme disease and chronic Bartonellosis. And now, UC as well. As you can tell, I am not that lucky. I was diagnosed with UC  (14 Nov 2013) following a colonoscopy. Some more about me: I live in the UK and I’m very sick. I’m 32. Male. Married with a wonderful two year old daughter and I am so disabled now… Read More »It’s Like Hair Mousse, But it Goes Up Your Butt!