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College Carol

Diagnosed somewhere around late June 2010 with Ulcerative colitis. Pretty severe at the time. Got it under control with prednisone and lialda up until now which is what brings me here. I have always been into sports and still am. :] I plan to never let this disease take control of me like it did this summer and I also plan to attend Northern Arizona University in January 2011

Hair Loss Due to A Bad Flare or Medication?

Hello, I was recently diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in June of 2010 and was lucky enough to get into remission and stay that way until recently. However, I’m hoping that the sudden loose stool is due to a cold I have and will subside as soon as I am better. Got to stay positive haha. I’m here to ask about hair loss. I was on… Read More »Hair Loss Due to A Bad Flare or Medication?