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Humira Drug Information

Some More Details on Humira: I was cleaning out the medicine cabinet today, and besides throwing out some old bottles of prednisone, azathioprine, and hydrocodine, I came across the “Drug Counseling Information” for Humira.  This counseling came with the monthly overnight shipment of Humira from the drug company that was contracted to sell it to me.(I was taking Humira for a few months last year,… Read More »Humira Drug Information

The Spoon Theory

I recently came across this article written by Christine Miserandino (, called the Spoon Theory.  People always ask me what it’s like being sick with a chronic illness and it’s always been hard to explain. When I came across this article, it was as if I had a small epiphany, and I realized what an ingenious way to explain how everyday waking up and doing… Read More »The Spoon Theory

Welcome to My World

hey everyone. my name is Ash and I have ulcerative colitis – or to be more specific, pancolitis – which means my entire large intestine is diseased. I’ve had every medication and experienced and tried almost everything known for the disease.  here’s my story. I was diagnosed back in February 2006.  some people have symptoms for many years before finally seeking medical attention, but for… Read More »Welcome to My World

Ulcerative Colitis Flare

When are you having a flare? Here is a video with me speaking the text from below, feel free to watch it or read the full story underneath. That’s a difficult question right? Well, maybe not really. If you are taking 1-2 craps/day and then all of a sudden move towards 4-10, I think most of us would consider that a colitis flare. But lets… Read More »Ulcerative Colitis Flare