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February 2015

Mesalamine Based 5-ASA Meds and Hanneke’s UC – VIDEO

Meet Hanneke. She talks about her 11 years in remission. Hanneke actually wrote: “That’s what my doctor calls it. I do have very minor flare ups and since I have this for so long I feel exactly when it’s coming up. I manage it myself with my meds. I never really go into a full blown flare up. I have colonoscopy/endoscopy every 5 years and things look calm. I am using mesalamine suppositories 500 mg.”

Rectal Prolapse After Surgery?

I was first diagnoses with Ulcerative Colitis in 2009 and eventually had to have the total colectomy and ileoanal pouch surgery. The final surgery was completed in February 2014 and all was well until recently. I saw my GI this afternoon and am scheduled for a colonoscopy in 2 weeks time.