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July 2014

livestock farms IBD connection

Do Farms Minimize Your Chance of Getting IBD?

Is there something to the new research regarding people who grew up on livestock farms and their smaller probability of getting IBD in the future. Much has to do with exposure to bacteria at an early age when the immune system is developing, what do you think?

Doctors: The Good, the Bad, the Useless

What this taught me, and ultimately what my experiences taught me, is that we need to be critical of every choice a doctor makes because our bodies reflect that choice, good or bad. Do research, use your common sense, THINK about what your GI is recommending and don’t be shy to voice your concerns.

My Story and I’m Sticking to It

It’s hard to see a show or play softball if, at any moment, all of a sudden I need to go to the bathroom, like within 30 seconds or I’ll have an accident. Also the fact that I can’t fart without feeling like I’m going to crap my pants. Ugh.