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May 2014

No Room For UC In The Navy

While visiting my fiance one weekend, she used the bathroom after me and noticed some blood in the bowl. She asked me about it, and I didn’t know what to say. After arguing for a while, I eventually agreed to see a doctor.

I Found My Cure

I’m terrific. I quit the meds, I stopped seeing my doctor, I stopped doing anything related to my UC. However, I’m working out at the gym, I ride my bike, I can drink (no beer), I eat almost whatever I want (no fruits, except for berries) and feel amazing.

With and Without UC

I am now in a flare, and was surprised this time, as it appeared to come out of ‘nowhere’. In other words I was unprepared for it. I’ve been flaring for about 2 months now and I have been taking pentasa, and an antibiotic. Today I found this site :) and I have began taking the herb Boswellia! We’ll see how it goes for me. Thank-you for reading…

UCeris / Budesonide Sachets for UC Flare

UCeris Reviews and Budesonide Reviews

UCERIS is a relatively new medication, and after Alice’s story about it being a potential alternative to prednisone, its time we as a group create a collective review of experiences of using UCERIS. Feel free to add a review of how it worked for you and read others as well!