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April 2011

Desperately Looking For Help

Intro: I’ve been dealing with Gastrointestinal problems for 13 years – officially diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 4 years ago! However – I am COMPLETELY different than 99% of people. I get severely constipated and toxic. My Colitis Story: It’s so hard researching a lot of this due to the simple fact of – everywhere you look, main symptom is diarrhea. Hardly EVER do I see… Read More »Desperately Looking For Help

Digestive Enzyme

Hi all, during my last major flare which i’m still in this was close to 2 months ago. I have been struggling to regain weight. This brings me to my main question of this post. DIGESTIVE ENZYME Will these help me to gain weight and eat more? If so which ones should I use? I found a weight gaining post that was called ‘High calorie… Read More »Digestive Enzyme

At My Witts End

Submitted by Marcia I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis a little over a year ago right after having surgery to have my gall bladder removed. I don’t know if this was a coincidence or not. After first getting diagnosed I was put on sulfasalizine and prednisone. I went into remission for about 4 months. Once again a flare up came back in full force… Read More »At My Witts End

Just My Rant

In July last year (2010) I started getting some minor symptoms, at the time though there was a bout of gastro going around my work so of course I just wrote it off as that. When everyone else started getting better and I didn’t, I had a feeling something was not quite right, next thing I knew I had lost five kilos…then another five… 12… Read More »Just My Rant

Remicade = Miracle?

Intro: Diagnosed in December 2010 with ulcerative colitis, I have taken Flagyl and Prednisone. I am currently taking 6 Asacol HD, 2 Bentyl, 2 Loperamide, 1 Prilosec, and 2 Ferosol (Iron) everyday, plus 2 gummy vitamins. I started my first Remicade infusion Tuesday. I am on a diet my wife (Thank God for her!) found online, but I’m not sure if it is working. My… Read More »Remicade = Miracle?