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June 2010

Maintaining your Weight With Ulcerative Colitis

There are quite a few parts of being an ulcerative colitis patient that we just might all have in common.  And today, I think its time we had a posting about maintaining your weight while you are in a colitis flare, or while you are in full blown nasty colitis.  And, also, how to maintain your bodies weight while you are in remission. Again, I… Read More »Maintaining your Weight With Ulcerative Colitis

prednisone comic

What to Expect When Treating UC with Prednisone

Taking steroids for ulcerative colitis is very common.  Most of the other UC patients that I have met have been treating their ulcerative colitis with prednisone at some point in time.  It turns out that prednisone is one of the older drugs that exists for treatment of UC symptoms. Like any medication for any disease, the big question most people have is what can be… Read More »What to Expect When Treating UC with Prednisone

How Long Will You Bleed When You Have Ulcerative Colitis

The UC disease is one which makes its sufferers ask all kinds of questions.  This is one that most everyone asks themselves from time to time.  How long will the bleeding go on for with UC?  It’s a great question.  A few weeks ago I received an email from a newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis patient asking me these exact words.  I replied that I would… Read More »How Long Will You Bleed When You Have Ulcerative Colitis

Big Decision Made

For the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about and reading about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet… After a particularly tough weekend, I’ve decided to put myself on the SCD diet. Honestly, this is not something I want to do but at this point I’ll try anything. Now if you were to see me, you probably would be surprised to learn that I’ve been in a… Read More »Big Decision Made