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Ulcerative Colitis is Bringing Me Down :(

I am still in the SAME situation … and I am starting to get really down about it!

I have had sporadic treatments of “extra meds,” when I feel much better, but for the most part … NOT GOOD. My UC has been worse, but it has never been a consistent problem like it has in the past few months. Rowasa used to be my “miracle when needed.” Now it does very little for me.

I never thought I’d say this, but Thank Goodness my husband is home on unemployment because my mornings have been horrible. He is able to help with the kids. I feel relief sometime around 10 or 11 am. … and Thank God for freelance work!

My husband thinks that if I just get my butt up and moving I will feel better. I would love to get myself to the gym, but I can’t seem to get well enough to go. I feel I can “suck up” the pain and get used to the “running,” but I can not hide the fact that I have had ZERO energy.

It’s about time to call my doctor. I really don’t want to go on steroids again. Especially if I will be right back to this when the treatment is done. I am also less than thrilled to experiment with any new meds. In my earlier years with UC  I was in denial that I needed any special attention (drugs, diet, etc.) in order to be “normal.” Obviously, now I know, but still, I don’t want to add on meds.  :/

Jennifer’s story is now entered into the 2011 Ulcerative Colitis Writing Contest!!! You Can Join too, click here for details