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Making Yogurt To Help Heal Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

Hi Ulcerative Colitis People, I know this might be very repetitive for some, but several weeks ago I dreamed I was a big drop of yogurt, and that is the reason for all of these yogurt posts from me lately.  Actually, there is a much better reason for mixing yogurt with ulcerative colitis. For those of you who have ulcerative colitis and follow the SCD… Read More »Making Yogurt To Help Heal Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

homemade yogurt

Making SCD Home Made Yogurt For the First Time

Well, this is actually a combination of pictures from the first and fourth time I made the SCD yogurt.  I recently received my first yogurt maker in the mail about 4 weeks ago, and it has been an absolute blast making yogurt with it. The actual yogurt maker is a Waring Pro YM350 Professional Yogurt Maker I purchased off Amazon. Why am I making  Yogurt… Read More »Making SCD Home Made Yogurt For the First Time

OK, now what? Am I doing this thing right?

Hi fellow UC’ers! I have officially ended my “intro” to scd, but I feel frustrated! Nothing really has changed with my colitis…I have however found that I’m in better moods, more focused, have more patience for my kids, and have a bit more energy (which DEFINITELY IS A GOOD THING!).  My husband actually noticed too and commented how “he has his old Angie back!” This makes me… Read More »OK, now what? Am I doing this thing right?