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Remicade or “Infliximab” is the Best Biologic…One New Study Suggests

As the title says, there is a new study that was published and available for everyone to read that gives some reasons for why Remicade (aka Infliximab) is better than the other biologic medications available to treat ulcerative colitis. The two other biologics which were compared in this study are adalimumab and golimumab (or you may know them by their trade names of “Humira” and… Read More »Remicade or “Infliximab” is the Best Biologic…One New Study Suggests

Methotrexate and Infliximab

Hi my name is Anne. I have ulcerative colitis and been struggling with it for 6 years. 3 years had a severe flare, I’ve written on here a few times I’ve tried many medications and even was on a clinical trial for fecal transplants. I seem to improve and have mild symptoms than I flare up again, I’m currently having an acute flare up just… Read More »Methotrexate and Infliximab

Stay as Strong as You Can

I’m currently at a state in my life that I’m not completely happy with, but see each day as a new opportunity to get that step further! I’m so happy every morning when I wake up and see how much further I’ve come towards the end goal. My life, in medical perspective, was not supposed to make it to this point.