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Trish is Going from Strength to Strength with Her Colitis!

Great Story from a long-term iHaveUC website user: Maybe it can help you too:       Hi Adam Hope you are well – as always thank you so much for all you do. I am going from strength to strength – Probiotics, vitamin D, Krill Oil, Curcumin and 75% SCD 80%of the time. I read on your post that a few people have found… Read More »Trish is Going from Strength to Strength with Her Colitis!

Human Strain in My Probiotic, What?

Meet Bev: Hey there everyone…Bev here….again….you all know my story…ad nauseaum I’m certain…lol….I’ve had UC for some 14 years now and currently completely in remission without meds!!! Yey!!! Why me?? Why not everyone?? My Symptoms: Zippety – doo – dah for UC symptoms at the moment! (And for the past 8 months!!!) I feel like I am actually cured!!! For the first time in years,… Read More »Human Strain in My Probiotic, What?

Another Fan of the SCD Diet

Introduction: First off, I just wanted to thank everyone else who has posted on this site. Reading all of your stories has helped me tremendously. I thought it was only fair to share my story in return (if you want to skip to the end I’ve written the things which have helped me). My Ulcerative Colitis Story: I was pretty healthy growing up even though… Read More »Another Fan of the SCD Diet