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Starting SCD While in Remission? Any Advice?

Meet LiLiA: I was diagnosed with UC in 2009. Had one moderate flare-up a year later which was controlled by prednisolone. Symptoms then went into remission but I then had a terrible flare which started in August 2013. That month I had some horrible “accidents” away from home and ended in hospital 3 months later. IV steroids failed. The inflammation was so bad that I… Read More »Starting SCD While in Remission? Any Advice?

Any Suggestions to Kick My Butt in the Butt?

Introduction: As a 30 year UC veteran…mercaptopurine, prednisone, apriso. Was hospitalized 6 months ago. 1st time in 29 years. I was on IV of prednisone for 4 days. The rest in the hospital did me wonders! Colitis Symptoms: Gassy…can feel it moving along. My Colitis Story: HELP!! As a 30 year veteran…I can tell when stuff happens before it does! Past 2 days I could… Read More »Any Suggestions to Kick My Butt in the Butt?

Has anyone had success with other diets other than SCD for colitis?

I know SCD is supposed to be the cure-all, but I’ve been on it now since April, and had to go back onto prednisone, and am still in a flare now. I have tried my hardest, done the intro diet at least 3 times… this week, even, all I’ve eaten is chicken breast, pureéd butternut squash, pureéd carrot chicken coup, home-made jello made with welches’… Read More »Has anyone had success with other diets other than SCD for colitis?