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Need Help Gaining Weight Back During This Flare!

Meet Josh:

I’m a 23 year old full time college student diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis on December 24th. Still going through my first flare and what I hope to be my worst.

Some more about me:

I am a huge sports fan and love do be active. Which this disease likes to interfere with.

Current Colitis Symptoms:

-Symptoms are 10-15 bathroom trips a day with extremely watery bloody stools.
-Severe cramps and nausea
-Bloating and loss of appetite

Need Help Gaining Weight Back During This Flare!

Like many people first diagnosed with this rough disease i have what seems like millions of questions that for some reason i can’t get straight answers on through my Doctors. I have been on prednisone for a few weeks and am starting to wing off the drug. It has done great things for me. After two weeks i had little to no blood and what i would call the most “normal” stools i had seen in quite some time. Problem is now that im coming off the prednisone my symptoms are slowly coming back. My flare has really improved since i have started SCD diet. Since i have been in the flare i am in my love life with my girlfriend of 6 years are dropped a bunch. She is great in supporting me through the rough times but even for her sometimes i can tell it is taking her toll not having her loving boyfriend around. Honestly it is very hard sometimes to show my love to her when I’m having these symptoms. I barley have energy to make it though the d ay. Lucky i have a girl who is sticking by my side through it all.

Here is my big concern that i need some answers on. I am a very skinny high metabolism individual. Before the diagnosis I weighed 145 and am 5″11. Already pretty little guy. I have lost 25 pounds and seem stuck at 120. Im eating 2500 calories a day but not doing any physical activity because i do not want to burn the calories I’m trying to take in. Is there any sort of multivitamin or weight gaining supplement that would be ok to try while trying to beat this flare. I feel like if I lose any more weight I am going to be in a lot of trouble. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.


Prednisone works great but mainly mask the symptoms.

written by Josh Henderson

submitted in the colitis venting area