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Making Beef Soup from Leftovers that Fits My Colitis Diet

Hey Everyone, it’s Adam here, and cranking out another video of some pretty tasty beef soup I made up after a pretty big night of entertaining guests that involved some unusual events and some super tasty prime rib roasting.  But, the best part was how I found some leftover prime rib in the fridge the next day, and along with some vegetables like carrots, onions, and zucchini and a jalapeno, I cranked out a super tasty soup.  It’s super easy to make, you don’t even need to watch this video really.  But what the hell, give it a look anyways.  You’ll get to see me in action after a massive night still being productive…  Take care you all!  And hang in there if you’re not feeling great with your UC at the moment.  All things, even UC symptoms do come to an end. Laters, Adam

I’m in the middle of making up a formal cookbook that will someday be available with all the meals that I eat, and cooking instructions. It’s not quite ready yet for primetime, but it will be someday, and as long as you are on the newsletter, you’ll definitely be one of the first to know when its ready.