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Grumbling in the Tummy

Although I’m finally in remission (I’ve been able to push my remicade to 10 weeks and I’m feeling the best I’ve felt in a long time) I have this one thing that still really bothers me. I do eat a lot of problem foods (I can’t live without coffee) I’m not going to the bathroom as often as I was just 6 months ago.

Here are some details on my Remicade use and history about 40 infusions under my belt so far:

I started taking it my sophomore year of high school and after the first few infusions, I started feeling better. I was never hospitalized for my uc buy i was certainly sick. Previously id tried prednisone asacol, methotrexate, etc. My doctor has always encouraged me to push my infusions farther and farther apart but up until recently, I would feel it wear off about a week before my next dose.
For the first few months to a year (I’ve forgotten by now) I was also on methotrexate but my forgetfulness about taking my drugs lead me to realize that I was feeling good without it.
Like I said, I was afraid to push past 7 weeks then 8 weeks. Then I was forced to reschedule a dose about two months ago and it pushed me just past 9 weeks. I was surprised but I felt pretty great. I still have belly aches but it’s usually for good reason. I’m not a healthy eater and I’m a stress fiend.
I owe it to the remicade and my family and boyfriend who have all supported me very much. Hopefully I will soon be one of those cases my doctor talks about that only gets infusions 4-5 times a year!

Now back to my story,
When I eat though (anything, not just trigger foods) my stomach growls. Like, these crazy grumbles that just make everyone in the vicinity laugh. Im a filmmaker and I’ve ruined a few takes with my noisy tummy! Everyone around me thinks I need to take a poo break but often that’s not the case. I can not only hear it but feel everything churning, full or empty stomach.

Long story short, I wanted to find out if anyone else is digesting so vocally and if there’s anything I can do to calm things down. Thanks!