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Day 66 of SCD Small Flare, Not Giving UP!

I am on day 66 of the SCD and I have run into what I think is the 2-3 month flare Elaine talks about in BTVC.
About a week ago on Day 59 I started experiencing some UC symptoms and they have lasted up until today, so far.
They are not serious issues like before the SCD but some of the D has come back and i’m back up to 4-6 bms a day with no blood or mucous which is good.
I am also experiencing pretty painful joint pain mostly in my right hip and knees. This tells me that the inflammation in my body has definitely increased over the past week.

I have been taking my meds and supplements (salofalk, scd vitamins, scd probiotic, fish oils and primrose oil) religiously for the past couple of days, hoping this will aid the passing of this mini flare I am experiencing.

I am not to worried or stressed about this because it is to be expected. It is a long journey to healing with many ups and downs. A positive attitude is key! I have had great results so far with SCD and I am not going to get a little bit of discomfort get in the way!

If the issues don’t go away by Monday I have decided that I will go back to the SCD intro diet for a couple of days. Also, I have purchased a juicer. There are many people that say cabbage juice is good for healing colitis. Has anyone had any experience positive or negative with juicing to clear up any symptoms?

I have an appointment with my gastro on Tuesday where I will be explaining my success with the SCD. I will also be telling him that I will be avoiding Remicade for now.
I will stay on salofalk (as a maintenance drug) until I no longer need it. Hopefully he is supportive, but I am not counting on it. I will keep you all posted!

Hope everyone following SCD are seeing results and I am hoping that I will be successful in coming out of this mini flare and continuing my own SCD success story!

Cheers to healthy eating and living!