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I started site  shortly after being diagnosed in October of 2008 with severe pancolitis (when my whole colon was inflamed). For me, it was a very rough start with severe symptoms.  Getting bounced from medication to medication was not easy or too helpful.  But, I did meet another UC'er, changes several parts of my diet, and of course the rest is history. Leave a comment, ask a question, take advantage of our past experiences here, use the search boxes, they are your friends to0:) I've written 2 different ulcerative colitis ebooks, you can check them out here. And, the Free eNewsletter, which has important updates can be joined here.

UCeris / Budesonide Sachets for UC Flare

UCeris Reviews and Budesonide Reviews

UCERIS is a relatively new medication, and after Alice’s story about it being a potential alternative to prednisone, its time we as a group create a collective review of experiences of using UCERIS. Feel free to add a review of how it worked for you and read others as well!

I Pooped My Pants Experiences

May 2014 brings us the “I Pooped My Pants Survey” results. WOW Right!. 141 people talking about pooping their pants and what happened before and after and how it is not that bad after all. That’s right, it happens, and we all can move forward and laugh about it together.