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April 2015

Just About Keeping Sane

Intro: Hi, my name is Emma. I have ulcerative colitis (left-sided) and was diagnosed in December 2014 after a colonoscopy. I initially thought I’d be able to pop a few pills and get back to normal life, but unfortunately that’s not turned out to be the case. But, I am positive about getting healed with the right combination of drugs and diet. I live in… Read More »Just About Keeping Sane

My Son’s Colitis – Cured by Staying Positive

As much as you undergo the stress and pain so do the ones close to you who actually care for you and also in a lot of stress being deeply concerned about you. But nothing is impossible to overcome if there is complete positivity and a proper diet and medications start getting reduced and clinical reports show a complete cure. Family and loved ones can surely be your biggest medication.

MTR Test? Mediator Release Test – Any Experience?

Catherine is doing well with the GAPS diet however she is really wanting to feel 100%, for example, she is always hungry, always looking very skinny and still doesn’t have the symptoms completely under control. Her current struggle is with regards to food allergy testing and an expensive blood test that may help her figure some of the mysteries of UC out.