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July 2014

Summer Time SCD Update!

I am loving the fact that I am so close with getting back to a normal feeling again, but I would love to be able to kick these abdomen cramps as there really hinder me on a day to day and can wear on a guy dealing with it day after day.

Independent LIfe Not Going So Well

The doctor tells me stress can make the UC act up more. What I would really like to know is how am I not suppose to be stressed? I work and go to college and I pay my bills like I’m suppose to but it’s hard sometimes. Any tips on dealing with the stress and the pain?

After Every Difficulty Comes Ease

Meet Haadi: I am in late 20s, male, living in Australia. Diagnosed in October 2013. Getting stronger every day, food diary has been invaluable, Low Fodmap diet with SCD wisdom, honey instead of sugar in baking, EVO oil and antibacterials have paved the way to my remission Some more about Haadi: I like travelling, reading, and recently cooking. Symptoms: In remission. Recently got a bit… Read More »After Every Difficulty Comes Ease