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January 2014

The Best is Yet to Come

I am currently in the best place I have been in since being diagnosed with UC in February 2013. My frequency over the last month has been 3-4 times a day. My BM’s have been solid and the bathroom process is under control as opposed to resembling an Olympic sprint.

I Refuse to Take Prednisone

Cynthia is scheduled for a colonoscopy on Feb. 3rd. She’s not looking forward to the gallon you have to drink to prepare…(who the heck is) AND, she most definitely doesn’t want prednisone due to the side effects it sometimes unleashes.

I Have UC and I’m Scared

Tara was recently diagnosed in November, and strange thing for her is she often wishes she could go to the bathroom more…yeah, sometimes she’s feeling constipated which is unusual for a UC’er.