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2 Years Of Having UC and Still Don’t Have Control, Will Surgery Have To Be The Answer

Jasmine with her baby

with my baby


Hi, my names Jasmine and i am from the UK, East Anglia and turning 20 soon.  I love spending time with my 2 year old little girl Sophie and seeing my family as well!

My Colitis Symptoms:

VERY bloody stools, painful cramping, bloating, gassy, diarrhea, tired and weak

2 Years Of Having UC & Still Dont Have Control, Will Surgery Have To Be The Answer Or Can I Be Healthy Again?

I have been diagnosed with UC since April 2010 when I was 17 and it took them months to first diagnose me as I was pregnant at the time, I was in hospital 2 weeks after giving birth and i was VERY ill at this point, they had to give me pints after pints of blood and lots of different drips.
My family was very worried at this point as i looked like death and was being sick too, they finally got me on a steriod drip and it started to kick in, at first i was going about 20 times a day and had very bad cramping pains, then it started to go down, But as soon as they took me off the drip and onto tablets i flared up again so was a little scared thinking the medicine wont work! But after my liver flaring up to it finally got control and i went home to my newborn was a huge struggle for me to get to grips what was wrong with me!
Now 2 years later I’ve had many flare ups and in and out of hospital with infections and being ill! Im now currently having a different sort of flare up as part of my colon is inflamed and they are finding it hard to clear it up as steroids don’t seem to be doing much and azathioprine don’t agree with me as it just brings my white blood cells down, the steroids have made my bones really weak so taking tablets for that too and i feel awful! its not the frequency of me going at the moment its the blood and seriously painful cramping and gas! they have now told me that i need to think of surgery and I’m really scared as its the last thing i want to do as my confidence is low already and they said i wont be able to have anymore kids with certain surgeries which is also a downer!
I have been really on my own these last 2 years and have never spoken to anyone that’s in the same situation as me until going on this site and I’m hoping to maybe make some friends and be able to relate to other people as it would really help!

Where I’d Like to be in 1 year:
Id like to have control of my UC and not feel a freak because i have it and feel healthy and have energy instead of feeling triple my age and to be healthy enough to have another baby :(
Colitis Medications:
Azathioprine hasn’t worked well for me, prednisilone has always felt like its the worst thing to be on most of the time and has awful side affects, Pentasa i have 8 tablets a day but cant tell what they are doing, i have also used enemas which seemed to help and pains i had.
written by Jasmine
submitted in the Colitis Venting Area